Computer Science 1

Hello my name is Beckman Giang. This is my Website for my C# projects.
My first year of computer science has taught me how to work through the language of C#.
I really enjoy coding so far, please enjoy my website.

About Page


In my first project I designed and coded a program to take input about myself and transfer it to a label.

Mailing Label


In this project the program takes user input to create a label with a mailing adress.

Car Rental


This program is a Car Rental website. According to user input our website calculates a price for your car.



This project takes a users weight and height. With this information it creates a meal plan and the BMI for the user.

Car Rental Upgrade


This is a more advanced Car Rental that allows you to customize your car and the program will calculate the total price.

Triangle Checker


This project takes user input and calculates the typ of triangle it is.

Craps Game


This project is a simulation of the Craps Game. You may roll dice and win or lose money.

Taco Shop


This program is designed as an online ordering truck. You can customize your tacos and you will get the total price.

Slot Machine


This is a gambling project that allows you to deposit money and bet on the pictures. You can win or lose all your money.

Rock Paper Scissors


This is a simulation of Rock Paper Scissors. It is a two player game that hides the other player's choice. When revealed a winner is chosen.

Incremental Game


A Cookie Clicker simulation. This allows you to upgrade your game. The more upgrades the faster your clicks go up bye.